Sunday, April 14, 2013

April 18, 2013, public hearing on Tar Sands in Nebraska: This Thursday!

It's toxic and deadly. But it only gets one official hearing.

April 18 -- we must make this huge.

Toxic. Risky. Deadly. Enough.

The tar sands horror in Mayflower, Arkansas isn't over -- lakes of oil run through the backyards where children play, far more than Exxon first told us was there. It is a reminder of the 2010 Michigan tar sands spill, which sickened children and killed family pets yet still hasn't been fully cleaned up. [1]

Keystone XL would be bigger than either of these failed pipelines. For our climate, our children, and our future -- you need to be at the official hearing on April 18. Every voice must be raised and heard.

Stand up for the climate -- come testify for our future at the Keystone XL hearing in Nebraska April 18, then join the rally outside.

The tar sands are a disaster, from start to finish. NASA's recently retired top climate scientist say mining the tar sands, which destroys the pristine Boreal Forest and threatens First Nations, would be "game over" for the climate. [2]

Then, because the tar sands are so heavy and corrosive, the export pipelines are more likely to spill than other pipelines [3] -- it's not just Arkansas and Michigan. Two other spills happened the same week as Arkansas in Canada and Texas, and the first Keystone pipeline spilled 12 times in its first year alone.

What part of "no" don't they understand? Sign up today for the Keystone hearing and rally to tell the State Department that there's no room in our climate's future for Keystone XL.

The good news is that stopping Keystone XL will help stop the tar sands, no matter what Big Oil and its allies say. Other, alternative pipelines through Canada are running into equally stiff opposition and have been delayed. If Big Oil didn't need Keystone so badly, why would they be spending millions on lobbyists to ram it through? [4]

TransCanada executives get the profits, the rest of us get the risks. Sign up to come to Nebraska on April and raise your voice against Keystone in the biggest way possible!

Thanks for all you do,

Michael Marx
Sierra Club Beyond Oil Campaign Director

P.S. After you take action, be sure to forward this alert to your friends and colleagues -- five attendees will have even more impact than one!

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[1] Rowan, Anne. "EPA Orders Enbridge to Perform Additional Dredging to Remove Oil from Kalamazoo River." EPA. 14 March 2013.

[2] Hansen, James. "Game Over for the Climate." New York Times. 9 May 2012.

[3] Israel, Josh. "Supporters Of Keystone XL Outspend Opponents 35 To 1." Climate Progress. 20 February 2013.

[4] Swift, Anthony. "Tar sands pipeline risks - examining the facts." NRDC Switchboard. 30 March 2013.